Used Fire equipment lives to tell stories that others may not be around to tell anymore. It's amazing how much history an old nozzle might be able to tell us. Granted, technology sure has changed over the last hundred years, even within the last few decades, but somehow these used nozzles have made it through!
This is an incredibly old nozzle, it dates back to 1942! You can see it's worn out. This nozzle was manufactured by the Rockwood Sprinkler Co. It is called the Waterfog. It has three settings that include off, fog and open. When the setting is in fog mode it takes air through a small hole in the front—it mixes with the water to create the fog. How cool!
Isn't this an awesome vintage garden nozzle? Circa 1800's! Oct. 28,179 to be exact. That's pretty darn old. This nozzle was manufactured by Magic. Pretty neat.

This is a nozzle made by the Elkhart Company. This is an early 20th century nozzle with two handles and a spout that you can screw in or out. This is made of Brass!
What a great used nozzle. It is an Elk Hart Brass, made August 17th, 1917! Can you believe how old some of these nozzles are? It's hard to believe that they can stand through all of that great history. They have outlasted many of our ancestors. Crazy to think about huh?
Look at this awesome 1927 Akron brass nozzle! It has 3 different types of mounts. It can be mounted on the wall or window frame, a ladder or on the ground. So many options. But not as convenient as hooking up the Fire Hose to a truck.
I have a old garden hose nozzle that looks like a hand gun is it worth anything? I can not find a way to put a picture up , when I do I will
Have you ever heard or seen a nozzle with P.MO. on one side and Fog on the other? It was a solid chrome plate/cast Aluminium pistol grip style.
Hi there, that 1927 nozzle with the 3 mounts is for sale along with many other antique fire items at.
Thanks all