Fire Hose Dog Accessories

Fire hoses are incredibly useful for a multitude of different reasons. Whether you are training a pet, already have a pet or thinking of getting one—consider investing in some awesome animal accessories. It's hard enough finding something strong enough to prevent an animals wear and tear but buying an accessory will help ensure that you have the most reliable accessories out there for your fuzzy little friend.

Dog Collar

Check out this bad boy! What a creative use. It really allows for your dog to have a collar that wont be easily damaged from all the outdoor adventures. It's hard to find a good collar that doesn't fall off, that doesn't break and this fire hose dog collar is the perfect solution.

Stretch n Fetch Dog Toy

This is an awesome product made from durable, multi-layered material! It wouldn't be hard to make at all. Rubber lining, layers of fabric and a stretchable handle perfect for tug-of-war with your favorite puppy.

Bite Tugs

If you're training your dog to develop a healthy bite in order to protect your property this is a great training tool. This Fire Hose bite tug is made of real Fire Hose with a handle and is pretty simple to make.

Fire Hose Flyer Disc

Every dog needs a good work out and reliable toys to play with. This awesome  Flyer Disc is perfect! Get your dog running after this awesome disc. Play fetch, tug-of-war or whatever your dog desires.

1 comment

  • We are a Dog rescue located in Tucson, AZ. We just took in 20 large shepherd type dogs ranging from 10 months to 13 years. It was a hoarding case. We have a problem as most of the dogs are chewing threw any type of leash. Do you sell leashes made from fire hoses? We would love to buy some…possibly 5 or 6 feet in length…Please contact me. Thank you. Bridget McEwen 5204402290 or email

    Bridget McEwen for RAD Rescue Inc.

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1 comment

  • We are a Dog rescue located in Tucson, AZ. We just took in 20 large shepherd type dogs ranging from 10 months to 13 years. It was a hoarding case. We have a problem as most of the dogs are chewing threw any type of leash. Do you sell leashes made from fire hoses? We would love to buy some…possibly 5 or 6 feet in length…Please contact me. Thank you. Bridget McEwen 5204402290 or email

    Bridget McEwen for RAD Rescue Inc.

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